Why study in Australia
Australian universities offer over 10,000 courses, including professional degrees, double degrees, and postgraduate programs. The most sought-after programmers are engineering: mechanical and electrical, management and commerce, natural and physical sciences, accounting, and information and technology. Australia is rapidly gaining a reputation as being one of the most popular destinations for international students.

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Education System in Australia
Australian educations are known for their excellence in teaching and research. They offer internationally recognized qualifications and study pathway opportunities for students from all over the world. Australia is also a top participant of the ESOS Act (Education Services for Overseas Students) which safeguards the right of international students to pursue any degree they want. Being an international student, it is of the utmost priority for you that study is not compromised, and Australia believes in strongly upholding the ESOS act and going above and beyond in case the act is not upheld. Furthermore, the TPS (Tuition Protection Service) provides placement and refunds for students as a means to prevent the failure of an institution to teach the relevant course. The OSHC provides international students with medical insurance for doctor visits, minor treatments, ambulances and limited pharmaceuticals depends on what cover you are on.
School (Primary and Secondary)
Australia hosts international students aged five years of age and over, including children of international students who are studying at a tertiary level.
Australian schools are among the finest in the world, including government and private schools. Fees and entry requirements vary across Australian states and territories, and across schools.

English language courses
ELICOS stands for English language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students. These courses must meet strict national standards and follow an industry-led quality assurance framework. Whatever your reason for wanting to learn English in Australia, there is a course to help you reach your goal.

Schools academic year dates
Length - 13 years in total (Kindergarten/Preparatory to Year 12) Terms per year - Four, with holidays (breaks) between each term Start date - Late January/early February

ELICOS academic year dates
Length - From five weeks to 60 weeks, depending on your level
Semesters per year - The year is split into blocks of ELICOS weeks
Start date - Throughout the year

Pathway and Foundation courses
If you don’t quite meet the academic requirements for direct entry to an Australian university, pathway studies can give you with the skills you need to start an undergraduate higher education program.
Education pathways can include English language preparation, Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and Foundation studies.
Some higher education providers have formal arrangements with pathway providers to give study credits for prior learning.

Vocational Education and Training
ocational Education and Training (VET) is taught by Australian Government-owned Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes and private registered training organisations (RTOs).
These education and training providers are usually smaller than universities and offer more practical courses, with job-ready learning leading to over 500 different careers. Many VET courses include work placements or workplace-based learning.

Foundation academic year dates
Length - 1 year (some may be longer)
Semesters - Vary by course
Starts - Usually in February, but can vary by course.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) academic year dates
Length - 1 to 4 years
Semesters - 2 (or 4 ‘terms’)
Starts - Late January/early February (can vary by course).

Higher Education
Universities and non-university higher education providers (including private institutes and Government-owned TAFEs) offer undergraduate and postgraduate studies, including Bachelor degrees, Master degrees and Doctoral degrees.
Many higher education providers also offer Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate programs, and even Associate Degrees leading to full Bachelor qualifications.

University Academic Year Dates
Undergraduate (Bachelor level)
Length - Typically 3 years (4 years for a Bachelor Honours degree)
Semesters - 2, but some providers now offer three trimesters
Starts - Usually March, but can vary by course and education provider. Mid-year or second semester starts can also be available.
Length - 1 to 2 years
Semesters - 2, but some providers now offer three trimesters
Starts - Usually March, but can vary by course and education provider
Length - 3 years (plus 1 year for review)
Semesters - Most Doctoral candidates do not attend classes, but instead have academic supervision throughout the year
Starts - Start dates are negotiated with a Doctoral degree supervisor
Australian Qualifications Framework for tertiary studies
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national tertiary (post-secondary) education system that has 10 different levels. You can move from one level of study to the next, as long as you meet your student visa requirements. These qualifications are nationally accredited and recognised internationally in many industries.
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